No music qualifications are required: although the ability to read music and a grasp of music theory is useful it is not a prerequisite.
Each candidate member will audition away from the Choir before being accepted as a member.
Whether you are new to singing in a choir or a seasoned campaigner you will be welcomed.
We cannot promise that you will get to sing in a huge tent with a Dutch Wind Band and two other choirs or sing in a Municipal Theatre with an orchestra : but who knows what will be next.
If you don't sing you can still support the Choir by joining as a Friend or a Sponsor.
A Friend of the Stuart Singer (FOSS) is eligible for a discounted ticket for our "home" concerts and is included in any social events that might happen. For instance, a quiz, skittles evening and of course the annual dinner.
If you have any questions about joining the Stuart Singers please contact :