The Stuart Singers comprises about 50 voices who enjoy making music together and don't mind ​waving flags about and wearing a christmas jumper in public!
Rehearsals are held on a Thursday evening at Minchinhampton Primary Academy from 19:15 - 21:30. Concerts are scheduled a long way ahead
Each member is issued with a hard copy of the repertoire for the next 6 months. Rehearsal resources are distributed through the Members' Area on the Stuart Singers' website. The rehearsal schedule and choir diary are also posted there. All resources can be downloaded and used on multiple devices - phone, tablet USB stick etc.
No music qualifications are required. Although the ability to read music and a grasp of music theory is useful it is not a prerequisite.
Each candidate member will audition away from the Choir before being accepted as a member.
Whether you are new to singing in a choir or a seasoned campaigner you will be welcomed.
We cannot promise that you will get to sing in a huge tent with a Dutch Wind Band and two other choirs or sing in a Municipal Theatre with an orchestra ; but who knows what will be next.
If you don't sing you can still support the Choir by joining as a Friend or a Sponsor.
A Friend of the Stuart Singer (FOSS) is eligible for a discounted ticket for our "home" concerts and is included in any social events that might happen. For instance, a quiz, skittles evening and of course the annual dinner.
If you have any questions about joining the Stuart Singers please contact :
Louise Cook Chair
If you would like us to sing at your fund raising event contact Janet Brown our Concert Secretary
Rehearsals are always on Thursday from 19:15 -21:30 at Minchinhampton Church of England Primary Academy.
There is a break half way through.
Some Singers adjourn to the Cotswold Club for further social interaction after rehearsal - all welcome!
The Stuart Singers is managed by a Committee elected by the Members. The Committee oversees the running of the Choir but the musical direction is the responsibility of the Musical Director.
The Musical Director of the Stuart Singers is Helen Sims. The role includes choosing the numbers for Concerts and reviewing the repertoire each year.
We are very luck to have engaged the services of Matthew Sharp as our Accompanist and Deputy Musical Director.
His quiet enthusiasm and unstated playing are greatly appreciated by all.
The Stuart Singers are very grateful for the continued support of our Sponsors.
Their contribution helps to fund Music, Uniforms and Travel Expenses.
Please help us by supporting them.
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